For some time now, people have said to me "you should start a blog".
I never really thought I'd have anything to say that would be of any interest to anyone out there, but recently I've thought "why the hell not?"
Perhaps someone will find humor within my downfalls, others may get comfort from them, but who I'm really writing things down for, are the people out there that can relate to them.
The last few years have been quite a roller coaster for me, but with every moment that it felt like the world could crush me, I have managed to find my way back to the surface.
I've faced hurdles that have been the size of mountains and fought tooth and nail to get one step closer to where I want to be.
I'm not looking for praise, I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me. I want to help raise confidence in people that are facing issues within their life. I want everyone to know that dark places just need some light, that you can do whatever you want especially after others have said that you can't.
From fertility struggles, to being thrust into life as a single Mum, to saving a house deposit in one year and working on the night shifts; I want to share my raw, unfiltered and realistic experiences with you all.
Life isn't those perfectly placed pictures on Facebook with the cute captions every day. Of course, those moments are beautiful, but you can't relate to them when your world is crumbling around you. People generally aren't as eager to share with the world of social media when they are facing their darker moments in life, understandably - I didn't share any of that on my social platforms either, only those closest to me, knew the full extent of what I was going through during these tides of my life.
I used to feel like I was failing, when my life seemed so messy and clunky compared to the life's of my acquaintances on Facebook. It wasn't for a very long time, that I finally realised, everyone faces challenges at some point and no one wants to post about their regular, mundane, every day issues. The only thing they want to post about less than those is the major, life changing, soul crushing moments.
Writing has always been a creative outlet for me, that I'd usually keep hidden away in private note books or in the notes section of my phone, but now I think I'm ready to share some of the things I have faced, things that I continue to face and just regular stuff that I'm passionate about.