She's the cruel-bitch, bestie that we never asked for.
She shows up uninvited, tags along everywhere we go and she refuses to leave us alone.
She messes with our lifestyle, our work, our moods.
She even brings us to tears more often than we like to admit.
She's invisible and some people don't even believe she exists. They sometimes think we're exaggerating her presence.
She's agonising. Obsessive even. Just when you think she's gone for good, bam, she's back again.
She can be surgically removed, but there's no real cure for her. She grows back over and over.
She causes blisters on our insides and curses us with infertility.
She's painful like no other.
She drives us to measures so desperate, we'd consider removing our own uterus with a spoon.
She is also known to lead to depression. She can leave us feeling so helpless.
She's a real, pain in the arse, well our guts and our backs if we're being technical.
She's sometimes a family inheritance and she's even linked to chronic fatigue syndrome.
She's the reason some of us pop pills to make it through the day.
She is possessive and it's usually a long road to diagnosis. It's a really long time before a specialist can tell us for sure, that this evil succubus is hitching a ride.
Yep, she's the best friend we never did choose, but we have to live life everyday carrying her around with us.
Her name is endometriosis. And she likes to hang out with 1 in 5 of us lucky ladies, whether we like it or not. And we don't like it. We don't like it one bit.
She's a real bitch.