Define Selfish:
Adjective; Concerned first and foremost and/or only with one's self and their own advantage without regard to others and how they may be effected.
Synonyms: Egocentric, Egoistic, Egotistical, self-centred, limited to or caring only about one's self and one's own needs.
Inconsiderate, lacking any regard for the rights or feelings of others.
Ungenerous, ungrateful.
Narcissistic, self-loving, having an inflated idea of self importance.
Self serving, self interested, self obsessed. Showing interest only in one's own personal gain, benefit or applaud.
Have you ever been in love with a truly, sickly, selfish person? Someone so positively narcissistic that they don't even and can't even recognise their own toxic traits.
Have you ever stood by, while your own needs always came last, cast only in the shadow of a selfish partner's own interest?
Have you ever been in a relationship that is all give and absolutely no take?
Do you still experience the twang of guilt spread across your stomach, after even imagining having something for yourself, since your needs have always been of the lowest urgency?
Do you know the very feeling of no longer having expectations because you're so used to receiving big, fat, nothings?
Do you out of habit always put yourself last on every list, or back out of ever coming first? Does it now make you uncomfortable if someone does try to put you first?
Selfishness comes unbelievably easy to a narcissist. They'll happily drain you of all the life you have to give and still ask for more. They'll walk all over you, until you're six foot in the ground and then they'll walk on you some more. After all you're here to serve them and only them. Right?
Your dreams, desires and needs are just as important and in some circumstances even more so, as in this type of relationship you are deprived of fulfilling basic emotional requirements.
Run from any selfish, life-sucking, demons that consume your goodness and take advantage of your selfless nature. You are better than them. They are heavy weights on your wings and without them you'll soar higher than ever before, at the expense of no one except those willing to hold you back for their own advantage.
There are people in this world who will step on you to keep you low, so they can feel as though they rise. Break free of the foothold they have holding you down because this is no way to live.
Relationships should never be a one way road, but they a should a healthy, balanced give and take silent agreement. You should be able to trust that your significant other always has your best interest in mind.
And if you find that you just keep on giving and the other half of your partnership just keeps on taking and taking. Do one thing for yourself and leave. To continue on such a road will not lead to happiness, as it's only the path to destruction.
It's never selfish to put yourself first, if there is no one else is willing to put you first, at the very least when it's most important. It's at this point, that you need to be your own priority because a narcissist won't ever change.